Glenn Charles Glenn Charles

Why Share

I have a voice, with things to share and a burning desire to share them.  I think I have always had this but it really came to life when I paddled to Alaska and I found that inner voice and began to openly share with the world. 

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Glenn Charles Glenn Charles

Manifest Your Future

I am a true believer in Manifistation, at least, most of the time I am. Like anyone, I find myself slipping back into bad habits and sometimes forget the power that we each hold within. While this is a very deep subject, and one that would be a worthy conversation at some point, today is all about what I want to Manifest and not about the concept of Manifesting.

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Glenn Charles Glenn Charles

Coming up for Air

Re-starts are always difficult, especially for me and the schedule I have. 6 months of intensity and then 6 months of unwinding.

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