Finding Peace

I know that I am not alone in my quest to find peace. It seems like this quest has been with me since i was young. I remember so many nights, storming out of the house after a fight, going down to the waters edge and just sitting there, tears in my eyes, wondering why?

I know that these early events form the foundation for who I am all these years later. I know that even with my awareness, the struggle for peace is real and tangible. I know that as the years have gone by and life has passed me by, my quest for a sense of peace is authentic.

I also know, that through all of it, this quest lies within my brain. It is only as real as I make it and often, like the wind, it changes on a daily basis. Still, I search, and grind, and wonder…

Can you relate? Does this resonate? Do you often feel the same way?



Winter Blues


A Return To Normal