Winter Blues

Full moon rising over Campobello Island - Print available for purchase

I really don’t like winter at all. I know, that is such a stupid thing to say, but honestly, I really don’t. I don’t like the darkness, or the cold, and most importantly the never ending wind.

Dont get me wrong, love to go vacation in the cold, but then I want to return to the warmth of the sun and a cool nights breeze. The challenge nowadays, is where to go to avoid the winter. Where can you find a balance that fits all of my needs?

A few years ago I thought it was Florida, but now, not so much. This winter I am heading to the Midwest for a couple of months to check that out. While not the warmest of places, Northwest Arkansas does offer up a decent balance of both weather and outdoor activities.

Who knows, perhaps next year it should be Arizona… Thoughts? Where is your ideal winter location and why?


The End of 2020


Finding Peace