A Return To Normal

What is normal? We all are forced to ask this question as we enter into the 10th month of a global pandemic. A time period that has seen so many people die or get sick. So many of us have made sacrifices, both personally and professionally, to try and do the right thing. We all continue to ask, when will normal return.

I guess for me, now I begin to ask what is normal? What will ever be normal again? Have our lives been so permanently altered by this event, and undoubtedly events to come, that their truly is no such thing as normal. I spend way too much time thinking about this because my level of personal angst is through the roof….

Compounded by factors that already existed, COVID has been something akin to adding an accelerant to an already combustible mindset. Fearful of turning that life corner, life past 50, and what the future holds for me, this entire situation has made it even more difficult for me to find peace in the now.

Ugh, I realize I am rambling but fuck it, this is my blog, and my goal was simply to share, share completely and with no regard to an audience… I am bummed, a bit depressed, and asking the question constantly — where am I supposed to be. COVID has thrown a wrinkle or a tidal wave at any hope of sorting that out.




Finding Peace


Merry Christmas